Realms of Light: Clairvoyant Experiences of Life After Death This intriguing volume of true stories written by clairvoyant Laurie Conrad gives us welcome and reassuring glimpses of life after death. In addition to her own compelling experiences, one section of the book is devoted to interviews with others who have clairvoyantly visited other realms, or had messages from loved ones in other realms. The messages are simple and clear, and often are quite touching – and in their simplicity and love, they help to dispel any fear of death.
Realms of Light: Clairvoyant Experiences of Life After Death This intriguing volume of true stories written by clairvoyant Laurie Conrad gives us welcome and reassuring glimpses of life after death. In addition to her own compelling experiences, one section of the book is devoted to interviews with others who have clairvoyantly visited other realms, or had messages from loved ones in other realms. The messages are simple and clear, and often are quite touching – and in their simplicity and love, they help to dispel any fear of death.
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