A study of an exciting new field of research called After-Death Communication, or ADC, this book is a spiritual experience that occurs when a person is contacted directly and spontaneously by a family member or friend who has died. During…
A professor and his band of experts probe into the possibility of an afterlife and come away with evidence and awe. ISBN: 074343658
“The most intelligent, engaging and broad ranging discussion of reincarnation I have encountered. Bache, a postmodern philosopher sensitive to ancient wisdom, helps us see that any genuine encounter with our past lives is part of the soul’s quest to know…
For as long as she could remember, Jenny Cockell had felt she had lived a former life as Mary Sutton. Finally, Jenny acted on her intense need to find her lost family. After years of painstaking searching, she finally reunited…
Immortal Remains takes a fresh look at some of the most puzzling cases suggesting survival after death, and considers how to distinguish evidence for an afterlife from evidence for exotic things (including psychic things) done by the living. Author Stephen…
Book Description Realms of Light: Clairvoyant Experiences of Life After Death This intriguing volume of true stories written by clairvoyant Laurie Conrad gives us welcome and reassuring glimpses of life after death. In addition to her own compelling experiences, one…