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“With sight concealed the psyche views the body’s torments”
Hippocrates 460-370 BC

What is hypnoscopesis?

It is a unique technique that is locating with precision the root of a client’s problem.  In that respect an insight and a catharsis are the resultant states.

Regression Therapy

Did it ever occur to you that what you reap today may have been sown back in the roots of time and that they can be dealt in the here and now?

Client's Bill of Rights

This a bill that sets the extent of cooperation the quality of therapy as well as the boundaries between therapist and client.

Stress- Phobias- Panic attacks

Have you ever considered how deeply rooted are your fears? Are you aware of how vulnerable you are to your shadow side? This is the time to face it.

Psychosomatic Disorders

If traditional mainstream psychotherapeutic approaches have not worked for you may be the time has come for you to use an alternative approach that goes deeply in the root of the problem, hypnosis.

Beyond Avaton

This is the last book of Nassos Komianos who is examining scientifically the concepts of past lives, reincarnation, the afterlife and death. – Not available in the English language yet.


The road to see within!


Emm. Benaki 6,
Kifisia, 14561 – Athens


Landline: 210 80 19 242
Cellphone: 6972 80 57 87

Appointments of Sessions

10:00 – 13:00 & 17:00 – 20:00

Saturdays: 10:00 – 13:00
Only by booked appointments