This is the first book of mine. It was aimed primarily for professional therapists who would really go deep into seeking solutions to problems.Rapid Entity Attachment Release (REAR) is a radical breakthrough and a multi-dimensional approach in producing swift and lasting…
Although in the spirit of the time, i.e. a short documentary literally fast-track, it still has a good collection of reincarnation cases that have been of interest to researchers in the past. Just be aware that all the cases reported…
Athanasios Komianos Özet Regresyon terapistleri, danışanlarının ortaya sunduğu soruna uyumlanabilmek için o sırada mevcut ne yol varsa onu kullanırlar. Fiziksel bir acıya, bir duyguya, “tekrarlanan bir söze”, bir dil sürçmesine odaklanabilir ve bunu bir etki köprüsü olarak kullanabilirler. Bu makalede,…
A Contribution to the Coming Generations 1 Abstract “As you sow, so shall you reap” This is a call to all regression therapist tcolleagues to contribute to a deeper and better understanding of our relationship with the environment in terms…
A Contribution to the Coming Generations 1 Abstract “As you sow, so shall you reap” This is a call to all regression therapist tcolleagues to contribute to a deeper and better understanding of our relationship with the environment in terms…
Abstract It has been repeatedly observed, in my hypnotherapeutic practice that the utilization of Electro-Acupuncture technology on specific points of the body’s meridians facilitates, successfully, a rapid release of spirit attachments, especially, when other techniques of spirit release have failed…
Abstract– The intent of this paper is to debrief some research done on alter personalities of Dissociation Identity Disorder, who display significant and measurable physiological differences, specifically, in the domain of vision. If such research has been done on MPD…
Abstract Regression therapists use whatever means are readily available to them in order to tune in their clients with their presenting issue. They may focus on a physical pain, an emotion, a “catch-phrase”, a slip of the tongue and use…