A study of an exciting new field of research called After-Death Communication, or ADC, this book is a spiritual experience that occurs when a person is contacted directly and spontaneously by a family member or friend who has died. During…
The discovery of magnetic sleep-an artificially induced trance-like state-in 1784 marked the beginning of the modern era of psychological healing. Magnetic sleep revealed a realm of mental activity that was not available to the conscious mind but could affect conscious…
New Book Helps People Tame Their Illnesses with Mind and Body Power: Flying in the face of mainstream medicine and society’s many health myths-here is a book that finally proves that good health is not only easily achievable-no matter where…
A comprehnsive, definitive and practical manual that covers the theory and techniques needed to heal past lives. ISBN: 190504741
“The most intelligent, engaging and broad ranging discussion of reincarnation I have encountered. Bache, a postmodern philosopher sensitive to ancient wisdom, helps us see that any genuine encounter with our past lives is part of the soul’s quest to know…
Induced After-Death Communication is a new therapy that has helped thousands of patients permanently assuage their grief by allowing them private communication with their departed loved ones. Botkin, a clinical psychologist, created the therapy while counseling Vietnam vets in his…
For as long as she could remember, Jenny Cockell had felt she had lived a former life as Mary Sutton. Finally, Jenny acted on her intense need to find her lost family. After years of painstaking searching, she finally reunited…
Working as a journalist for metaphysical publications for more than three decades, author Roy Stemman has investigated the most heralded occurrences of reincarnation. In “One Soul, Many Lives, ” he brings together an impressive body of physical evidence and a…
Seriously challenges the existing neurophysiological models of the brain. After decades of extensive research on those non-ordinary states of consciousness induced by psychedelic drugs and by other means, Grof concludes that our present scientific world view is as inadequate as…
Past-life memories are being discovered through an exciting form of hypnosis referred to as regression. Henry Bolduc, a research hypnotist of 30-plus years, teaches readers how to tape scripts and use self-hypnosis for recalling past lives. By Henry Leo Bolduc….