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A comprehnsive, definitive and practical manual that covers the theory and techniques needed to heal past lives. ISBN: 190504741
This book presents the most complete survey to date of the evidence, both historical and contemporary, for survival of physical death. It looks at the question of what survives, in particular exploring the question of consciousness as primary to and…
Addressing the split between practitioners of science and those of spirituality, Charles Tart presents the considerations of well-known researchers and authors such as William Roll, Ramakrishna Rao, Michael Grosso, and Jeffrey Mishlove on such subjects as God, life after death,…
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“At last, the fruits of research in this fascinating field have been harvested by a wise therapist for other professionals. This clear & comprehensive book will appeal to lay readers, as well.”–Marilyn Ferguson, Brain-Mind Bulletin. In Volume I, thirteen of…
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Written by one of the world’ s leading authorities, “Exploring Reincarnation” examines the full range of explanations for past-life recall. This definitive study includes case histories from around the world, as well as intriguing theories about the relationship between body…
Past-life memories are being discovered through an exciting form of hypnosis referred to as regression. Henry Bolduc, a research hypnotist of 30-plus years, teaches readers how to tape scripts and use self-hypnosis for recalling past lives. By Henry Leo Bolduc….
Based on some 30 years of research on people who claim to remember past lives, this work encompasses the full spectrum of theory and case studies on the subject to date. It is by far the most definitive work on…
Dr. Robert Jarmon a well known psychiatrist who practices regression therapy, discovers how to speak with his patients’ souls, receiving suggestions for the healing of their minds, personalities, and bodies. ISBN: 0876043708
For the past forty years, doctors at the University of Virginia Medical Center have conducted research into young children’s reports of past-life memories. Dr. Ian Stevenson, the founder of this work, has always written for a scientific audience. Now, in…
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Practically every contemporary mainstream scientist presumes that all aspects of mind are generated by brain activity. We demonstrate the inadequacy of this picture by assembling evidence for a variety of empirical phenomena which it cannot explain. We further show that…
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